The Joy Arising From Our Hope (An Interview/Testimony) - Part 5 - Hope in Christ
In this week’s episode in keeping with our title "The Joy Arising from Our Hope", we thought that today we would give you an inside peak into one of Minister Bennett's many testimonies. We’re going to spend the entire time in the Conversation Corner allowing him to share with us. Scripture(s): Philippians 4:13
Interview Questions:
1. In 2005, you had a traumatic experience that we endured as a family, Share with our listeners what happened.
1. In 2005, you had a traumatic experience that we endured as a family, Share with our listeners what happened.
2. Can you tell our listeners during your recovery, what obstacles prevented you from thinking like Christ?
3. Did you experience any joy during your time of suffering?
4. What aspects of your spiritual life have been refined through your suffering?